From Andrea:

When I was seven years old, my mother was killed in a car accident by a drunk driver. She and my father had divorced when I was very small, so I lived with her and visited my dad every other weekend. My mother and I were very close as it was just the two of us depending on each other.

After my mother's death, I went to live with my father. Both of our bedrooms were in the upper floor of the house that used to be an attic. There was only one door that separated our rooms and at night my dad left it open in case I needed anything.

He told me that one night shortly after my mother's death he was awakened by the sound of someone calling his name. He said he opened his eyes and in the doorway was a shadowy figure that he could tell was a woman. He said she was dressed in a blue dress (my mother's favorite color was blue and she was buried in a blue dress).

He said that when he awoke he heard the figure say, "Jess, Andrea's cold."

He said that it took him a couple of seconds to believe what was happening and when he sat up to go and check on me, the figure dissolved. When he went to my room, he saw that I had kicked my blankets off into the floor and was curled in a tight ball to stay warm.

He said a few days later he awoke again to voices only this time he said he could distinctly hear my voice and another woman's voice that he swears was my mothers. He said later the next day he asked who I was talking to and I said that I was talking to the angel in the blue dress.

I have also had a few odd experiences in my life. I have had three car wrecks in my life, one of which could have been very serious. I am not an avid seat belt wearer, yet each time a few minutes before I have had my three wrecks I have had the strangest feeling to put my seatbelt on, almost as if someone is telling me to.

I know that if it was not for my guardian angel, I would have been seriously hurt. It's nice to know that I have my mother still with me, even if she is not physically here.