From Janice:

When I was twelve years old I firmly did not believe in ghosts. To my very logical, analytical mind they were as fictitious as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny (both myths I had debunked on my own at the tender age of four).

Then we moved to Winter Harbor Maine into a 150 year old house and my very sensible world view came crashing down on me.

The first night I was in the house I had to sleep on a cot since our belongings had not yet arrived. I had just closed my eyes to go to sleep, being excited about the move, I really wasn't very sleepy. Suddenly the cot began gently rocking back and forth and I heard a woman's melodic humming.

It was like a woman trying to rock a child to sleep. For a brief moment I thought "OK Mom has really lost it this time!" I opened my eyes no one was there! The rocking and humming continued as I stared into blank space. I closed my eyes again and tried my best to ignore it, although it wasn't threatening it certainly was unnerving.

That was only one of many incidents while living in the house. I started calling the entity the green lady as often when I would hear her come down the stairs I could see her as a wisp of greenish vapor. She often came down the stairs when my parents were not home and I was downstairs in the dining room. It was as though she was checking to be sure I was all right by myself. She actually made me feel safe in the house when I was alone.

Since reaching adulthood I have almost always had household companion spirits. Some with a rather bizarre sense of humour. Like the night my clock phone began playing over and over in midi format at 3am Bach's 'Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring.' Until I finally got out of bed and unplugged it!

Then there was the time our roommate who was a male was out of the Navy, going to school and not to keen on getting a job "Until he was done with school." Needless to say this placed a great financial hardship on my husband and especially myself as at the time I was the primary bread winner. I would give him money and he would pay the bills with it since most of the bills were in his name.

One evening I handed him $900. I had carefully counted it out prior to giving it to him. In the morning when he went to make his deposit he found only $800! We tore the house apart looking for the money but it was not to be found.

I have a small "coffee change" box that I keep in a glass fronted Lawyer's library. The only money that is ever placed in it is change and sometimes a couple of one dollar bills. I go into the box twice a week for change to buy coffee with at my second job. Several weeks had passed since the money disappeared. Since then I had been in my coffee change box no less than four times. I knew that I had only two one dollar bills and about three dollars in change in the box.

Imagine my surprise when the next time I opened the box were sitting the two one dollar bills, the three dollars in change, and there neatly folded on the other side of the box was the missing $100 bill! No one in the house had placed it there.

I had a strange sense about the 'reappeared' money. It was as if the spirit was from an older time when it was not acceptable for a man to live off the means of a woman. A close friend of mine who is a psychic confirmed this for me. The spirit was not happy with my roommates lack of initiative and wanted to return some of my money to me!

 Submitted by Janice Kimball