From Gina in England:

When my mother was younger she knew an old man who used to live up the road from her. When she walked to school each day, he made sure that he would walk her most of the way there. He would never leave her to walk alone, never.

One day at around 9 am, which was the time she would set off for school, he came and walked with her as he normally did every school day. Once they had reached the end of the street he told her he had to cut off and go to the shop to buy some food. This was not what he would normally do, but my mother just thought it was not a big thing. She tried to turn around to wave and say goodbye but she said she just couldn`t turn around as if something was stopping her from doing this.

When my mother got home from school, she told her mother what had happened that morning. Her mother told her the old man had died at around that time he was walking with her. Also, a neighbour was worried about my mother because, as she was walking to school that day, she saw my mother talking to herself. What the neighbor didn`t realise was that my mother was actually talking to the old man who was walking with her to school - one last time.