From John in the UK:

My mum told me this ghost story when I was younger. An old lady named Marie, who was 87 years old and lived in Eldwick, a small village in West Yorkshire, went out shopping one day. Her next door neighbours had gone to Whitby for the day. When they came back at nine 0' Clock that winters evening it was tipping it down with rain.

They had to stop and let the old lady cross the road to get to her house. It was the 87 year old Marie, or so they thought.

The next day the couple were talking to the people who own the newspaper shop in Eldwick about the old lady and how they had seen her out at nine 0' Clock at night the night before.

But the lady in the newspaper shop said that it couldn't have been the old lady as she had died in the local hospital at six 0' Clock that same evening - three hours BEFORE her neighbours saw her walk across the street in the rain.

Nobody has ever solved this mystery to this day.