From Alex

My mother, who is 46 years old, lived in a semi-large family of six siblings in a small house in the Philippines. On a humid July morning, my mother and her sister had just come home from a party. It was 4:15 am. When they came home, their brother Arthur was sitting on the couch. Both my mother and her sister were surprised to see him awake so early in the morning.

"Arthur," my mother said. No reply.

My mother and her sister both looked at one another confused, as Arthur had a cold stare on his face and was just looking at the wall. How come he isn't saying anything?

"Arthur, are you ok?" My mother replied.

After several attempts to make conversation with Arthur, my mother and her sister both laughed and headed for their bedrooms upstairs. On their way up the stairs, my mother stopped in th middle of the stairway, looking at Arthur who was sitting on the couch.

"Goodnight Arthur" Still no reply.

As they proceeded their way up the stairs, they passed Arthur's bedroom.

"Huh? How can Arthur be in his bedroom?" My mother said to her sister. "We didn't see him go up the stairs?"

My mother and her sister were both confused, to say the least, looking at Arthur sleeping in his bed after just seeing him on the downstairs couch.

"Lets go to sleep, we're probably seeing things"

A few hours later, my mother awoke to the sounds of crying. She went downstairs to see what was wrong.

"Why is everyone crying?" she said.

"Arthur is dead," my mother's sister replied. "He died in his sleep."

It is said that when someone dies, the person can be seen in two places. One is the soul and the other is the dying body.