I am a security officer working the 12 A.M. to 8 A.M. shift.

Late one night around 3:30 I was doing my routine tour of the building. I came upon the building's longest hallway which always gives me the creeps. I mean the hair on the back of my kneck stands up and I always get the feeling I am not alone when I am down that way. Well this night proved to be no different.

I went down the hallway to hit the scan point and started to head back towards the open area to head back to the desk when I heard a strange noise. It sounded like a muffled moan. Then I heard faint foot steps behind me.

I turned and looked over my shoulder and nothing was there so I walked faster because at this point I was fairly certain I wasn't alone.

I got back to the front desk and my partener said, "you looked like you saw a ghost."

I told him I didn't see one but I know I heard somehting down that hallway. He proceeded to tell me that a lot of creepy stuff happens in this building. So we got to talking about ghost stories we have heard and scarry movies we have seen. Then all of a sudden he looked into the camera and said "what the hell is that"?

I looked at the camera too. It started to zoom in and out focus and began to move in a circle. Now you might be thinking, "So what? Cameras move." But this was a stationary camera and it instn't supposed to move - especially by iteself. And it cannot zoom in and out. Also, this camera has a black bubble lens around it to protect it.

To this day we haven't experienced anything like that night.